Sunday, June 27, 2010

I promise

Last week, I was challenged to look in the Bible and find five promises from God. So, being obedient, I took the challenge and out of the first five I found, two really stood out to me.

The first promise that stood out to me was the promise that God will supply every need. (Philippians 4:19) I think this stood out because this past weekend I told the kids I would be leaving and asked them to pray for our family as we move. Several kids hands went up and as I called on them they asked "Why do you have to move?" and some said "I will pray for you" but the one that made me realize God will supply my every need is when the last student I called on said these four powerful words; "I will miss you." Yep, it got to me! I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes. You see, I didn't know if I could finish the lesson, but God promised to give me everything I needed and at that moment He gave me the strength to continue with His lesson.

The second one is this; "God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28)." This struck me right between the eyes! As most of you know, I will be moving in just a couple of weeks. I have loved my time here! I have been so blessed with big love, great fellowship, and an amazing leadership team. I am at peace that God has called us to this new adventure, but I would not be truthful if I said it wasn't hard. Just this morning I was texting one of my new friends and my eyes welled up. I started thinking selfish thoughts like, "How can this season be so short?," "I just got started Lord, there is still so much to do!," and then He gently reminded me, "Be still and know that I am God." God's promise that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully is at work right here! Although my time is short, God allowed me to serve (or work together) with you to accomplish HIS goals. I guess HIS goals were accomplished in 8 months!! Although it may be difficult for us to see and understand this at times, God has promised it.

I have always been told that you never make a promise you can't keep. I believe that 100% and I want to make a promise to each one of you. I promise I will never forget the Christ-like love you have shown me and my family.

Faith, Hope and Love,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

no guts, no glory

June 11, 2010

I have recently been mentoring a leader who has just "stepped up her serve." She had decided to follow God's prompting to step out in faith to lead an area of ministry. I see someone who wants to chase after God's plan even though it is hard. One of the most rewarding things I have seen is the way she wants to pass on her knowledge to other leaders. This is a huge step. The light bulb has come on so to say in this area of leadership. All of the experiences God has blessed us with are to teach us and are for us to teach others. We are to equip the saints and this is one way to do that!

As you enter a classroom you probably notice your room is ready to serve children. The lesson materials are all carefully counted out and placed in your room, the toys have been sanitized and placed in inviting areas for children to see as they walk in, snacks and supplies are restocked and ready for use. Each environment is carefully created to provide the best possible opportunity for children to draw closer to God. This past week as I talked with this leader, she knew all of this was happening, but she didn't quite see the big reason behind it. The sparkle in her eyes told me that now, she does! Each room is a tool for ministry, not just a place for kids to play. Everything has a purpose and a place. That was just the first breakthrough of the day, the big breakthrough was next.

Watching her serve brought to my attention that she tries to do everything herself. We talked about building a team approach. Instead of labeling volunteers as "teachers and helpers," we would like volunteers to have ownership and serve as a team with specific roles (small group leaders, worship leader, large group leader, etc). We talked about replacing ourselves and allowing our knowledge to pass to other leaders with the hope of growing the team members we come in contact with. That's when I saw her holding back emotion. She knew God had blessed her with a unique gift to teach children, it was just dawning on her the new responsibility she has to pass along that gift. "Can you do this? I know it's different and difficult and it's going to take time and effort." She looked at me with the most serious face and said; "Yes, I can do this." That takes guts my friends!

Mark Batterson wrote a book; "IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY" and in his book he says this; "When we don't have the guts to step out in faith and chase lions, then God is robbed of the glory that rightfully belongs to Him."

This team is full of amazing gutsy leaders!! To God be the GLORY!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Turtle Rescue

What a whirlwind week! And by whirlwind, I mean whirlwind! Two nights ago, there was a tornado! I had heard a storm was heading our way, I even waited up to see it, but after I had finally given up and went to bed, it arrived! My children were all telling me to "come see the storm," but I was already sleepy and I could see the lightening flashes from my room. I guess I was a little nonchalant about it by that point. Until I heard my daughter yell, "Oh no, the turtle!" She keeps her turtle outside and with the rain pouring down she was afraid the tank would overflow and the turtle would escape. She was right! In the middle of a storm (a TORNADO mind you!!!), she asked her brother and a friend to go out and save the turtle!! Those brave boys! They put their suits on and out the door they went. Wind blowing 80mph, trees laying sideways, fences down, and these two are looking for a 6" round turtle. Thank the Lord it didn't take long! They found "squirtle" on the driveway heading towards the street unharmed.

You are probably wondering why in the world would I tell you this story? Well, after I thought about it, this reminded me of all the hurting people we serve on a weekly basis. They are caught in the storms of life, much like squirtle the turtle. They are heading down the road and need someone to show them love. That would be each one of you!! Just like the boys rescuing the turtle, we have the opportunity each week to show love to the families God sends our way and rescue them from their storms. It may be a sick family member, or job loss, or any number of things that cause stress or "storms" and we are privileged to be Jesus with skin. Although we can't say "Peace, Be Still" and calm everybody's personal storms, we know the one who can!

Be on the lookout this weekend for turtles, and take the time to rescue them!!

Faith, Hope & Love