Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Be Strong...Joshua 1:9
Friday, June 24, 2011
no money for kids camp
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Review: Spiritual Parenting DVD Series
Spiritual Parenting is a DVD series produced by David C. Cook and written by Michelle Anthony. Dr. Michelle Anthony is Pastor of Family Ministries at ROCKHARBOR Church in Costa Mesa, California. A former professor at Biola University and Talbot School of Theology, Dr. Anthony has written over a dozen resources for Christian Education and Family/Youth Ministries. She is also the Family Ministry Architect for David C. Cook.
- God is the #1 parent.
- There are teachable moments around you at all times, take advantage of those!
- Parent with an eternal prospective.
- How you are raised impacts how you parent.
- As a parent, our goal is transforming lives. That comes from allowing children to flex their spiritual muscles and declare with their lives that God is real.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What's that? Jesse and Prospector are trapped in the old abandoned mine?
- Constantly casting vision using the same language. Repetition is a good thing! It keeps all leaders on the same page. For example, if your vision is to "Love God. Love Kids." then that is what you say. Saying anything else muddy's up the water.
- Owning the vision is another huge step in clear communication. Always saying we and us instead of them or they. This says loud and clear that you personally support the vision.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
lasting impression
This morning I got into my daughter's Easter basket and took out the colored bubbles. I was too curious and wanted to see if the bubbles really were pink like the container said they would be. Guess what? They are!! Then, the wind blew and the bubbles popped on the siding of the house. They left an impression. Unfortunately it's a pink impression!
After cleaning it off I started to think about you, the amazing children's ministry team! Each week you leave an impression! Each parent you come in contact with as they register for the first time or sign their child in, each child you minister to throughout the morning is left with an impression of our awesome God by watching you!! The best part is that you rise to the occasion each and every week! I believe you are a sweet aroma to our Lord!
I'm glad your impression is not a pink circle like the ones on my house, your impression can't be wiped away, it's eternal!!
See you this weekend! I will leave the bubbles at home, I promise!
Faith, Hope & Love
Saturday, April 9, 2011
9 Things They Didn't Teach Me in College about Children's Ministry
- The million-dollar question in children's ministry leadership is not about a program, model, or leadership style. It's about this: are kids being changed to become like Jesus?
- Effective leaders do everything possible to make volunteers feel valued and appreciated.
- Get your senior pastor on your team, and be on his team.
- Before the close of each week, ask yourself: With whom did I connect this week to expand my network? Whom did I encourage? With whom did I share some creative ideas?
- Get a prayer team together and ask God to show you what he wants to do in your church. After all, you work for him.