Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How can I help?

I listened to Andy Stanley at the Orange Conference last week and loved every minute of his presentation! Although his primary focus was "staff culture" his message easily translates for volunteer teams as well! Some of my favorite quotes are;

"How can I serve the people that work for me?"

"Do for one what you wish you could do for all"

"When you can say yes, say yes"

"Do not be fair, be engaged"

"Create & maintain a sustainable pace"

"If your pace is too fast, you don't have time to serve others."

"What's rewarded is repeated, what's punished is avoided, what's neither punished or rewarded is neglected"

I'm sure as you read those quotes you were thinking of stories where you have seen this in action! I know my head is full of "Yes's" "Amen's" and "So true's!!"

I want to watch my pace, be engaged, so I can say yes to one volunteer on my team and reward them for their awesomeness!

Yeah, that sounds so easy, but is it? I say yes! If we remember the one question Andy Stanley ends every meeting with I think we could be well on our way in creating a serving culture on our teams! The question is; "How can I help?" The simplicity overwhelms me! You are communicating so much in four little words!

Today, I am going to focus on ending each conversation I have with staff and volunteers with those four little words!!

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