Friday, May 28, 2010

Is it okay that I helped a visitor?

When was the last time you were a 1st time visitor in a church where you

  • showed up uninvited
  • knew absolutely no one,
  • had never been in the building before?

For most of you, it's probably been a while. At our church this happens on a weekly basis!! Praise the Lord!! Last week we had nine families visit the children's ministry for the first time, NINE!! That's a lot of visitors! It made me wonder, "What do we do to make our visitors feel welcome?" So, I looked around and I noticed the following things;

  • We have a greeter who not only welcomes visitors to the children's building, they also hold the door open for them! This says we notice you and we want to get to know you!! (I'm glad you are here)
  • We have a clearly marked check in area specifically for visitors that always has a volunteer ready and willing to help! That might not seem like a big deal, but it is!! Visitors don't want to wait in a long line and then find out they will hold up that same line by filling out a visitor information sheet. We have taken a little bit of that stress off of them by having a separate area just for them!! (Quick and easy check in)
  • We have a volunteer whose main responsibility is to take each visiting family to their child's classroom and introduces them to the team members serving their children. A guided tour?!?!? I believe this helps to calm a family's fears of "Where am I leaving my child and how do I find them when service is done?" (We value your feelings)
  • That same volunteer then escorts the parents to the sanctuary or big church as we call it!! Visitors might not have any idea where they are supposed to go, they have never been here before! By walking with them, some of their anxiety might be lifted. (YOU and your children matter)
I feel incredibly blessed that our team cares so much about the families God has entrusted us with! Whether they are first time guests or regular attenders, I believe the children's ministry team does a great job of making everyone feel welcomed and loved!

This past Sunday, I noticed one of our amazing check in leaders go the extra mile for a visitor. Because there was already a family at the visitors area, another visiting family went up to the regular check in area. The team member could have said; "you can check in over there at the visitors area," but instead she said; "sure, I can help you here!" She proceeded to register the family, check them in, give them the tour and then led them to the sanctuary. When she returned, she looked up at me with big eyes and said; "Is it okay that I left my check in area to help them?" I can honestly tell you that I was so blessed by her servant heart that all I could do was hug her and say "Of course!"

Like I said, we have an amazing team that does a great job of making everyone feel welcomed and loved! Thank you unnamed team member for going above and beyond and being Jesus with skin to this family!! (I told her I would keep her anonymous)

Faith, Hope & Love!

Friday, May 21, 2010

kids and families matter here

I have been re-reading "The Disney Way" by Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson. Every time I read this book the same chapter sticks out to me as I relate it children's ministry. The chapter is all about details. Why are details so important? The details are the little things, and little things add up to become big things. Here is a great quote about this from Craig Jutila; "It's the little things, that make a little difference, that make a big difference."

You might be thinking what are the little things? Let me share, the little things are the intangibles we can not measure. The things that you may think to yourself, "That's just what I do," that mean more to the people around you than you could ever imagine. Having a clean facility. Smiling because you are blessed to serve God. Greeting a team member with a giant hug. Saying good morning, or telling a family you are glad they are here! Setting up rooms so they look inviting not only to kids but to parents too. Changing a diaper and placing a sticker on the outside that says; "Changed with Care." Praying for a child's cat and asking them the next week if their cat is better. Making sure all the toys in each room are cleaned, disinfected, and age appropriate. Noticing that the dad of one of your small group students is home on break from the military and introducing yourself to him. These all say loud and clear; "KIDS AND FAMILIES MATTER HERE."

The funny thing is, we haven't even mentioned the weekly lessons or activities we use in the classroom to teach children about Christ! Would it be a stretch to say we are modeling it before they ever reach the room? I pray this is true!

As you serve this weekend, think about all the little things you do that make a little difference, that make a big difference in the lives of the children and families you serve.

Faith, Hope & Love,

Friday, May 14, 2010

definition of a volunteer

Several years ago, I came across a "volunteer" definition that made me giddy!

Vol un teer – (n) men and women who love Jesus and, without pay, passionately use their God-given gifts to make Sunday morning the very best hours of the week for the kids He sends their way, and in so doing . . . change the world!

Holding a baby, singing a song, telling a story, listening to a child, recruiting volunteers, praying for team members—none of these are a waste of time because God understands that all of it is done for Him. Every weekend, volunteers (or heroes if you ask me) inconspicuously walk through the doors. Each volunteer does what they do because of a conviction that drives them without any expectation of honor. In today’s world, it’s easy to be too busy to volunteer or too distracted by a career to answer God’s call into children’s ministry. Thanks for saying yes to serving kids! You willingly traded the easy way for an exciting journey. As God watches you, know that he promises your award waits for you at the end of your ministry adventure! You truly are a hero!

“Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

It's almost Sunday, time to change the world one child at a time!! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

consumed by love

I loved leading worship this past weekend. I loved the way the students reacted to the music and then to the lesson and then my absolute favorite part, small group. I loved seeing the interaction between students and their leaders! And then it happened, God gently reminded me through one little girl that people are way more important than the program.

This little one sat on a chair because her shoe was broken. One of her leaders sat next to her and asked what was wrong and she said she was sitting there because her sandal was broken. The leader fixed her sandal, but she didn't move. Then, I watched another leader walk up to her and start a conversation about all the animals she liked, ducks were the winners. She smiled a little and the leader invited her to play a game, she declined and still just sat there. My turn. I walked up to her and said; "Are you okay sweetheart?" and the tears started streaming down her face. She started telling me that she didn't have anything to give her mom on mothers day next week. She didn't have any money and she didn't want to ask her dad because she really wanted to do something by herself. I told her that the most important thing she has to give her mommy was her love. She said, "I know, but I want to make her something." (Ah ha! Meeting a felt need! I can do this, no problem!) "How about we go to the restroom and wipe away those tears and I can teach you how to make flowers out of coffee filters and chenille sticks! Does that sound okay?" The smile returned, we walked to the restroom and she dried her tears, next stop, the supply closet! I taught her how to make the flowers, then I put all the supplies she needed in a brown paper bag so her mom wouldn't see. As she left, she smiled at me from ear to ear, I smiled back knowing that she can surprise her mom with handmade flowers on mothers day.

Although this special little one loved learning about Noah and worshiping God through song, she was consumed with how to show her mom love. I pray that this little story reminds you to be consumed each week with showing God's love!! As you lead worship, or lead a small group of elementary students, or teach preschoolers their lesson, as you hold babies or read a book to a toddler, let it always be because you are consumed with sharing God's love!!

Faith, Hope, & Love

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

keep trying

I spent the past couple of days this week at the Orange Conference. What an experience! I listened to one speaker in particular that reminded me how important it is to "come to Jesus as a little child." He shared the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. They were totally fine and then, it happened. They lost their innocence and started caring more about what other people thought about them instead of what God thought about them. Their ability to just be free was gone because of sin. The speaker went on to say that this happens between ages 3 and 5. At three the world is new and amazing everyday!! At five, the world has crept in just enough to start thinking that what other people think about us is more important than what God thinks.

I am so thankful that Jesus reminds all of us to come to Him as a child. To remember the innocence of those we are privileged to serve every week!

Last Sunday, I received a comment card from an elementary student that hit me like a ton of bricks. It's a perfect reminder to not lose your innocence in Christ!! Here is what he said;

Be a good friend and love God,
love others, love your family,
make good choices, obey, pray,
share, tell the truth, trust God,
have faith, hope, keep trying.

Great words of wisdom huh?? I pray as you serve the children in your care this weekend that you will do all those things!! It's obviously not easy, as he reminded us by the last two words, "keep trying." That's exactly what I am choosing to do, no matter what, I will keep trying!!

Faith, Hope & Love!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I don't know if you have noticed, Yeah RIGHT!! I know you have noticed how crowded our rooms have been!! What an incredible blessing we are receiving from the Lord! Our rooms are getting full and I love the attitude I have been seeing from each one of you! You are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the children are cared for and know more about Jesus by the time you hand them back to their parents!

Attitude is everything. We have a choice to embrace this incredible opportunity and rise to the occasion or become stressed and not trust God to provide. Just as God is providing children for us to minister to, He will also provide the team members to serve them. Do you know someone who wants a place to serve? Invite them!! Lets help every find their place of ministry!!

Here is one of my favorite quotes on attitude by Charles Swindoll, enjoy!!

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitudes.

Faith, Hope & Love!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

bunnies and elves

Hosanna in the Highest!!

I just heard the song Hosanna by Hillsong United. After hearing the chorus I found myself praying. Praying for our church family, especially kidmin volunteers and children. The words just flowed and reminded me of why we are here and just how important the next two weekends are. This Sunday is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. We get to share what Jesus did for each one of us on a larger scale because we will be blessed with visitors.

There are people who only come to church two times each year. I sometimes call them the "bunnies and the elves." They only show up on Easter and on Christmas so lets make the most of our opportunity to share God's love with them! I want each visitor to feel the love we have for them through Jesus Christ! I want each parent to walk though the doors of the children's area and see volunteers ready to help them find their child's classroom and most importantly find their way to the sanctuary to hear the greatest news of all time!

Right now, I bet you would like me to get off my soapbox! Sorry!!! Sometimes I just get so passionate for those that are far from Christ to cross the line of faith and be close to Him!! As you read the chorus below, let it be our prayer for the children's ministry and let us love everyone around us the way He loves us!!

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

Oh how He loves us!


This past Sunday the children learned about the love of money as they heard Jesus' extreme saying that is is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. We challenged the students to ask God to show them where they could give some of their money to help someone else. I can honestly say it didn't take long for a couple of students to put their lesson into practice.

During AWANA store time Sunday night there were two brothers who were supposed to be at a birthday party but chose to leave the party to attend AWANA. They didn't have their handbooks or shirt or any of their AWANA bucks to use at the AWANA store. They were both sad and Jennifer, the AWANA commander, noticed.

She called out to all the students; "Is there anyone who would want to help a friend out and give them some of your AWANA money so they can get something at the store?" Within seconds, another student gave his friend $40.00 AWANA dollars. That is equivalent to 5 weeks worth of attending AWANA, reciting your VERSES, remembering your BIBLE, wearing your SHIRT, and participating in this awesome program. He was able to go to the store and purchase legos because of the generosity of one of his club-mates! His brother was in another group, but the same thing happened. Another student gave him $35.00 to use at the AWANA store!

The generosity of the kids didn't stop there. At the end of the night, Jennifer asked if there were any students who wanted to give their AWANA bucks to missions. She collected $81.00.

I am blown away by their generosity and love for each other! When Jennifer shared this story it made me think what amazing examples these children are! Just as Jesus said in Matthew 18:3; "And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." I pray we can become like these children and help those around us this week!

you are loved and you matter

I was recently reading "Before You Leap" by Kermit the Frog. (No, I'm not kidding!!) One of my favorite quotes in the whole book was this;

"It doesn't matter if you're a frog or a pig or a bear or even a person. It doesn't matter if you're a big fish in a little pond or a small fish in a big pond--you're you and you matter."

This made me think about each one of you and all the different places of service in children's ministry. God has placed you right where you belong! Serving Him as you serve His children and their families!! Infants, toddlers, preschool, elementary, jr high, registration, worship team, tech team, coordinator, Sunday morning, Sunday evening AWANA, weekday child-care, it doesn't matter where you serve or what time you serve, YOU ARE YOU AND YOU MATTER!

This week, I would like you to pray for a team member you serve alongside. Pray that God will give them wisdom and strength as they serve HIM with all their might!!


What an amazing Sunday! I was so blessed as I watched YOU serve God by serving His children!

In elementary, Mrs Ruby was just sitting down with her small group when her allergies started acting up. They were so bad she had to leave class as the other leaders took over. During small group time the students have the opportunity to write down a prayer request, a question or a comment. Two girls in Mrs Ruby's group chose wrote this on their paper; "Help Mrs Ruby get better and pray for her." and "Pray for Mrs Ruby to get better." WOW!! A third grader and a fifth grader decided to put themselves aside and pray for their leader! That's the kind of stuff that brings a tear to my eye! Students who are "getting it!!" Christ-like examples at such a young age!

But wait! There's more!

Right before the baptisms began, I see all the AWANA leaders and students filing in to support their friends. As Lucia, Grace, and Avery were making their way to Pastor Rick, their friends were cheering them on and watched with amazement! CONGRATULATIONS to Lucia, Grace, and Avery on your baptism! We are so proud of you! Thank you Jennifer and each AWANA leader for giving up your club time to be there!!

See, I told you it was an amazing Sunday!!