Monday, March 21, 2011

Go ahead, ask!

We just recently sold our house, praise the Lord! All the paperwork is so foreign to me, it's overwhelming! I don't sell a house everyday you know! :) We had several people involved to help us through the process. This made me start thinking about people who have never volunteered in children's ministry before. I wonder if serving kids seems foreign to them? If the thought of serving makes them feel overwhelmed because they don't know where to start, or "how to fill out the paperwork."

Do you know people like that? What about your friends who aren't serving, have you ever considered inviting them to watch what you do? I am thinking it might not seem so overwhelming to minister to three year olds if there are people there to help them through the process.

I know you are thinking of someone right now, give them a call! Ask them to shadow you as you serve this weekend! Most people are very willing to help, it's just hard to get started sometimes. Go ahead, ASK!!

Can't wait to see you (and your friends) this weekend!

Faith, Hope and Love