Tuesday, November 30, 2010

music to my ears and my heart

This past weekend my husband and I were sitting in service listening to a great message about embracing grace. One of the verses used was Ephesians 2:8. Almost immediately my husband looked at me and said "Isn't this on one of the Seeds CD's?" This made my heart leap and then of course I started singing the song! Seed's CD's are found at your local christian book store or you can buy them online at www.seedsmusicstore.com.

They describe their music like this;
It's a Scripture-memory tool -- It's a CD full of fabulous music. It's both! Seeds combines songs that use Scripture for lyrics with strongly produced music that is varied in style to create a sound the whole family will love. Each song helps a child (and any adults in the vicinity) memorize one or more Bible verses from the NIV.
I totally dig these CD's, they are a great tool!!

Music is one of those amazingly powerful resources for children's ministry!

What great music have you found for kidmin??

Thursday, November 4, 2010

a weapon in church?

A couple of weeks ago, the kids created a "mold" of their face with aluminum foil. There were specific instructions about reaffirming children that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, in fact the instructions were so specific they even said to remind the children not to fold up the aluminum foil into a weapon. Wow, that's pretty detailed!

In one small group though, the aluminum foil was not the weapon.....

As the kids were making face molds with their foil, one first grader struggled to get the foil around his glasses. He tried and tried and tried, and then, the unthinkable happened! A leader from another grade saw him looking at his attempt at a mold and snatched it from his hands saying, "We told you not to create a weapon." The little boy was crushed! His small group leader was crushed, but tried very hard to salvage the situation by telling the little one the other leader just made a mistake, and all people make mistakes right?!?

Our words are so powerful! This little one was convinced he should cover his face, he thought it was a weapon, all because of the powerful words one assuming leader spoke. This is nothing new, Proverbs 12:18 says; "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

I pray that this weekend we all choose to leave our weapons at home as we minister to His children. Let's all be wise and use our words for healing!

Faith, Hope & Love