Friday, June 24, 2011

no money for kids camp

I met an amazing guest services volunteer at kids camp this week! He is actually the Children's Pastor at another church in the area that just didn't have the budget this year to put on a summer children's event and didn't want to stress families out to pay for camp, so what did he do? He volunteered at our kids camp and invited all of his students to attend the camp.

Say what?? I know, right! It's so awesome to hear about churches partnering with each other, it's not as common as it could be.

In this difficult economy this leader chose the best thing for his students, an inexpensive ($15.00) kids camp close to home where he could volunteer and still pour into their lives! He shared with me that his church is in a area hard hit by job loss and to ask parents to pay for their children to go to kids camp would be a hardship. Not wanting to stress out the families in his church he found a great inexpensive camp within driving distance for the children in his ministry!!!

Thank you for being a humble and resourceful servant! You are a Godly example to everyone you came in contact with!!

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